Saturday, December 26, 2009

Painting Paint

The only think better than opening Christmas presents, is playing with Christmas presents... Kacey was spoiled for Christmas this year and has loved playing with all of her new toys. However, she especially loves to make a big, beautiful, mess whenever possible.

Watch Kacey "Paint... paint"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Visit With Santa 2009

After some good advice from Santa. Billy and I were able to get Kacey to sit on Santa's knee. But not before she got very upset after asking Santa if she could see his Sleigh and beeing told that she could not see it because it was on the roof.

Finaly Kacey warmed up to Santa after he showed her his special Key to our house.

Kacey asked Santa for a Doll House. I told Daddy that Santa better get back to his work shop to get that Doll House put together before Christmas.....

Billy and I asked Santa for a healthy baby! We are still waiting on Liam to arrive. He is due on Christmas Day but I am hoping to not be in the Hospital on Christmas.