Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Enjoy some quick Pics of our fun filled day.
Kacey (Tinkerbell) and Daddy carved a pumpkin this morning....

Kacey did not want to help "get the yucky out," so Daddy did most of the carving....

Trick er treating was a blast this year. Kacey was Snow White and came home with way too much candy, but Daddy saved the day by helping to get rid of all the candy with peanut butter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Big Sister's Baby Brother

Kacey got her 2&1/2 year pictures taken yesterday.
We thought that we would get some with her baby brother as well.
He does not have much of a smile yet but Kacey loves him already.

Kacey loves boots. She calls these her "Pokynana's Boots."
This is our little Fall Pricess!